Appalachian Mining & Engineering, Inc. (AME) provides reliable and practical engineering solutions for a variety of mining projects including, but not limited to, underground and surface mine and quarry analysis and design, geological modeling of mining reserves, slope stability, underground ventilation analysis, refuse impoundment stability and break-through analysis, hollowfill design, and hydrologic investigations.
In conjunction with the in-house rock testing capabilities provided by GEOLAB, employees are proficient in the use of finite and boundary element modeling methods. Field experience and technical expertise has made AME renown in rock mechanics and ground control. Pillar design and stability analysis for underground single and multiple seam mining operations.
With the rise of computational capacities and data management, monitoring systems have provided the mining industry with an efficient and economical means of obtaining relevant information in regard to ground behaviors and movement. Operations that utilize these systems are able to proactively mitigate ground responses to the mining environment providing safer working conditions and more productive mining.
Reviews (1)
Sue M.
Jul 29, 2019