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LSG&A provides services to measure, evaluate, and control noise and vibration within spaces and in the environment. Governing bodies such as the NJDEP and NYCDEP maintain and enforce noise regulations within their jurisdiction, and many industry standards set background sound level goals for interior spaces.
These classifications are used to describe sound and impact isolation of individual elements and composite assemblies. We'll explain the differences and help you determine which parameters are best suited for your application. LSG&A provides sound isolation and impact isolation testing using portable sound level analyzers, loudspeakers, and tapping machines.
Reverberation Time (RT60) is a common acoustical design goal metric for interior spaces, and is used in many industry standards and guidelines including ANSI, LEED, and FGI. Related parameters include the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) and Sound Absorption Average (SAA) which describe the sound absorption properties of building materials such as acoustical ceiling tiles and fabric wall panels. Sound absorption coefficients and Sabin data from laboratory tests of materials and products are used as inputs for reverberation time calculations.
LSG&A provides services for municipal applications and litigation involving evaluation of noise impacts and acceptability. The firm's expertise centers around the evaluation of compliance with federal, state and local noise regulations, comparing the measured and predicted sound levels with the ambient sound, and evaluating acoustical impact on nearby residential and commercial activities.

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