Our strength, in part, is rooted in our ability to provide superior engineering solutions utilizing the latest technology available - with the simple mission of improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.
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Not just words, not just goals, not just an outcome. The Dungan Engineering motto of "service, strength, solutions" are the way we do business, a set of values, skills that require time and practice but wield power. The motto keeps our focus on people, relationships and contributing to the well-being of our communities by providing useful, meaningful and excellent solutions.
Together, Dungan Engineering's design staff represents more than 250 years of combined knowledge and experience, longer than Mississippi has been a state. Our firm is built on the rock of understanding, and our talented staff are always seeking new methods for innovations to improve the services we provide.
The leadership of Dungan Engineering promotes an atmosphere of development - no one in our company is thrown to the wolves, but neither is anyone micromanaged. We seek to hire talented individuals whose goals in the world of engineering are high as ours, and then we sharpen them with the tools, mentoring and positive work environment needed to excel.
Due to the increasing number of charitable organizations, benefits, and other fund raising efforts, we simply cannot donate to all. Whether we are able to donate to your cause or not - we commend you for working to help those around you. Dungan Engineering believes in supporting the communities in which we serve.

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