Driving manufacturing innovation throughout the defense industrial base to ensure the U.S. warfighter ALWAYS has a superior advantage. NCDMM executes applied research and development projects to improve DoD weapon and support systems by integrating key technologies, new materials, and innovative manufacturing processes. NCDMM is well connected to the world of advanced manufacturing - including leading industrial providers to respected research and development laboratories to prominent academic research programs.
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Since our launch in 2003, we have been driving unbiased innovation throughout the defense manufacturing industry. NCDMM does not go it alone - our success is built on relationships and teaming with the right partners with the right technologies to solve customer needs. NCDMM identifies, transitions, and implements solutions to increase MRL/TRL and productivity, reduce cost and waste, and improve quality. In 2020 MTDG was established to transform the advanced manufacturing industrial base throughout the world.
Accelerating innovative technologies, processes, materials through applied research and development. We execute applied research and development activities to increase the manufacturing readiness level (MRL) and/or technology readiness level (TRL) enabling customers to implement advanced manufacturing solutions.
At NCDMM we recognize that additive manufacturing revolutionizes the way just about everything is made. Our focus is to accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing through the America Makes institute. NCDMM convenes, coordinates, and catalyzes the additive industry to solve challenges that will move the technology forward and increase its adoption.
At NCDMM we understand the importance of leveraging advanced manufacturing technologies to improve the national manufacturing ecosystem to prepare for and respond to supply chain crises. NCDMM applies the same engineering rigor and discipline to managing supply chain crises that applies to all of our projects. We deliver the right technology, from the right partners, exactly where it is needed most.

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