We have been to hundreds of locations like yours, and we have seen and solved the problems that can arise from inequalities in staffing alignment, alarm and display issues, and poorly designed control rooms. As a result of that experience, we are adept at quickly identifying the true issues and finding solutions that will enhance plant safety and save money, often with minimal expenditure. Start here with David Strobhar's introduction, explaining how the "seeds" of Beville sprouted after the incident at Three Mile Island.
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Beville Operator Performance Specialists Inc. is a refinery and petrochemical industry leader in the field of human factors engineering and analysis services. We specialize in the analysis of operator performance issues and have contracted with nearly all the major petrochemical companies, from one end of the globe to the other.
Below is a listing of our most common services. This list is not all-inclusive as we have also consulted on a number of other projects, including procedure development, training, and others. Please contact Lisa Via to see how we can help you. For more information about this and future meetings, please contact Lisa Via.
In process plant modernization, change is not only inevitable, but it is the goal. The issues are the degree of change that should occur and the ramifications of that change. What may seem like hardware changes, such as changing control systems, can or should have a profound impact on the operators.
Like the design of almost all man-machine systems, the key in control center design is to understand the functional requirements of the system prior to creation of the physical layout. Too often the first step in control center design is to start sketching out what rooms will look like. Without understanding the requirements for the building, this will likely result in a sub-optimal design.

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