ALE provides a complete range of logistic engineering services. ALE provides a wide range of analysis services. Together, we will successfully improve the readiness and reduce the life cycle cost of complex systems, equipment, and facilities. ALE's program management approach successfully integrates reliability, maintainability, safety, quality assurance, logistic support analysis, and human integration analysis.
ALE's workshops have been developed to meet the varying needs of our clients. They cover the general field of logistics analysis, specialty analysis services, and integrated logistic support.
ALE's workshops have been developed to meet the varying needs of our clients. They cover the general field of logistics analysis, specialty analysis services, and integrated logistic support.
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The qualified analysis team at Acquisition Logistics Engineering (ALE) provides a full range of technical, management, analytical and logistic product services to a wide range of customers. For over 36 years, ALE has been an industry leader of product and process improvement. Our team of logistic engineers and technicians provides a unique blend of design understanding and practical application in areas such as life cycle cost analysis, failure analysis, maintenance planning, human factors and safety, and the development of technical manuals.
Throughout our over 30 year history, ALE has provided valuable insights to our clients that enable them to design and field reliable and easily maintainable products with the lowest possible Total Ownership Cost (TOC). We have developed unique methods and processes necessary to make RMA a valuable program performance metric that is an integral part of every designer's toolkit.
ALE's program management approach successfully integrates reliability, maintainability, safety, quality assurance, logistic support analysis, and human integration analysis. We have consistently improved the quality of our commercial and government customers' products and services while reducing cost of ownership.
Effective support of modern systems and equipment requires, more than ever, the right elements of support to be where they are needed, in the right amount, and at the right time. To achieve this requires knowledge of what is needed, where, and in what quantities to meet operational needs. To gain this knowledge ALE performs a comprehensive assessment of logistic support needs (such as tools, test equipment, spare and repair parts, facilities, and manpower & personnel), effectively develops the logistic support products needed, and accomplishes planning to gets those support items where and when they are needed.

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